
Dataset sharing via cloud storage (S3, Google Cloud).

Standard Dataset Structure

Dataset in etcetera is a collection of files organized into partitions. File content and type can be anything. Optionally, one can attach a meta information to this collection.

A directory sample/ is a valid dataset iff:

  1. There is a sub-directory data/
  2. data/ contains only directories (we call them “partitions”)
  3. there is at least one partition in data/

Optionally, one can have a file named meta.json in the root of directory sample/ with arbitraty JSON content.

Other files and directories can be there as well. They will be stored and transported as-is.

Here is a sample dataset:



We recommend installing with pip into virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .venv         # create virtual environment
. .venv/bin/activate          # activate it
pip3 install 'etcetera[s3]'   # install etcetera from PyPI with s3 backend

Installed Python package provides:

  • a command-line utility etc
  • Python package etcetera for programmatic access to datasets

Quick Start

First, lets create a directory with a minimal dataset:

$ mkdir -p sample/data/train
$ touch sample/data/train/data00001.txt

Now, lets register the dataset with the etcetera:

$ etc register sample

We can list available local datasets:

$ etc list
>> sample

Form your Python code, accessing dataset is easy:

import etcetera as etc

dataset = etc.dataset('sample')
>> train

for fname in dataset['train'].iterdir():
>> sample/train/data00001.txt

>> {}

Configure access to cloud storage

Configuration is stored in ~/.etc.toml and should specify at least url key:

url = "s3://my-datasets"

Now remote repository is set to s3://my-datasets. To be able to pull and push you need to set the authentication parameters. For example:

url = "s3://my-datasets"
aws_access_key_id = "AAasdsffDF12SDASD"
aws_secret_access_key = "fgT6Dfr8Bhfgt4fdr5asdffd7"
public = false

Note the public value here. When set to true, pushed datasets will be publicly-readable.

Programmatic Configuration

etcetera api can be used to access remote repositories without ever creating a configuration file. This is convenient if you run code on a disposable machines (like cloud workers), avoiding extra provisioning steps. Here is an example:

import etcetera as etc

config = etc.Config('s3://my-datasets')

# following will pull dataset from the repository if it is not found locally
dataset = etc.dataset('sample', auto_pull=True, config=config)

Using Config one can configure the location of the local datasets, repository authentication parameters, and so on. For the detail, check the Reference section below.